On a Train to Nowhere

*-Bonus points for getting the title reference.

So as you probably already know, Billy Wagner is out for a spell with a sore forearm and that the Mets have recalled Ruddy Lugo from Class AAA to take his place. Lugo tonight was wearing the same No. 49 jersey he wore during spring training and would become the first 49er since Phillip Humber last season and the first Ruddy (or Rudy) in team history.

The Mets barely survived their first post-Wagner game but they survived it all the same. Jerry was either a genius for letting Aaron Heilman throw with a 4-run lead, or an idiot, depending I suppose on who’s asked to close out the next one and how adventurous that assignment becomes.

Meantime we’re still awaiting word on who gets the call to take John Maine‘s scheduled start. Jerry tonight said that start would be Saturday not Friday, which may favor a promotion for AA lefty Jon Niese. Niese (i before e) wore No. 62 in spring training, which I’d consider the absolute borderline carryover point. Other candidates would be a pair of 39s: Claudio Vargas (AAA) or Bobby Parnell (AA).

* * *

Longtime Mets beatwriter Marty Noble, provider of a terrific interview, is counting down Shea’s remaining days by uni number. His first entry, 30 to 25, is here. Between Marty and Greg Prince, also a fine interview (both are even better writers), they’ve got a handle on Shea’s history that’s about a million times better than team officials whose idea of honoring the dying building is to trot out Lincoln-Mercury representatives night after night. Greg devoted lots of thought and effort into his own inspired countdown of Shea’s final season and most recently destroys the Mets for carelessly providing their support for a hacky, flawed, inaccurate, advertiser-driven “Greatest Moments” ballot.

Must-reads as always.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    That would be a Supertramp

    Submitted by Gordon Handler (not verified) on Wed, 08/06/2008 – 7:28am.
    That would be a Supertramp reference. Personally, I would have gone with Rudy Kazootie, but that’s just me.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Congratulations! You’ve won

    Submitted by Jon Springer on Wed, 08/06/2008 – 9:47am.

    You’ve won Breakfast in America. Head down to your local McMuffinry and send me the bill.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Sadly I was thinking of

    Submitted by SteveJRogers (not verified) on Wed, 08/06/2008 – 8:23pm.
    Sadly I was thinking of adding “bound” in the middle as the more famous Kenny Rogers’ raspy voice came to me

    On a warm summer’s evening
    On a train bound for nowhere
    I met up with the Gambler, we were too tired to sleep…

    Yes, annoying the sheer heck out of you in two spots on the internet!


    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Steve jumps the shark.

    Submitted by metirish on Thu, 08/07/2008 – 12:18pm.
    Steve jumps the shark. Thanks for the links there , I some how missed the Greg interview and Noble as always is great.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Kevin Burkhardt confirmed

    Submitted by Zach (not verified) on Thu, 08/07/2008 – 5:51pm.
    Kevin Burkhardt confirmed that Brian Stokes will start for the Mets.

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