Women and Children First

The Mets did the kindest thing they could and sprung Eduardo Escobar from this drifting shipwreck. The veteran infielder, who actually looked useful if redundant as a reserve, was traded to Anaheim last night for two minor league pitchers. It’s nice that Steve Cohen paid his salary on the way out which leads to a better haul of prospects in this case, /looks it up/ Coleman Crow and Landon Marceaux.

I didn’t get to see Vinny Nottoli make his Mets debut but he’s wearing the No. 68 most recently belonging to Adonis Medina. I have gotten a look at sidearmer Grant Hartwig, who is making history as the first Met to wear No. 93.

I haven’t put better baseball beyond this group but it’s looking more to me like the Escobar trade could be the first of several unloadings for this group, especially if the time comes for Mark Vientos and Ronny Mauricio to be contributors. Mauricio is listed in No. 60 but I could see him taking the newly available 10.

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  1. Matt B says:

    A long shot guess. Narvaez switches to his old number 10 when Mauricio comes up and Mauricio takes number 2, which he seems to like.

  2. Stuart Baron says:

    The answer is Danny Mendick, formerly of the White Sox. The number is 15.

  3. Gordon says:

    In honor of the currently unnumbered, soon to be DFA’d TJ McFarland, here is the all-time list of Mets known by their initials:
    RJ Alvarez, DJ Carrasco, PJ Conlon, JD Davis, RA Dickey, DJ Dozier, JC Martin, CJ Nitkowski, JJ Putz, AJ Ramos & TJ Rivera

  4. Chris Sullivan says:

    McFarland in #44.

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