Switzer? I Barely Even Know Her

So the Mets are rattling into MFYankee Stadium with the burden of a few disappointing losses and maybe a bigger loss in the starting rotation. Initally scheduled to pitch the opener tonight, John Maine was pushed back, then removed altogether, going onto the disabled list with shoulder fatigue and the promise that some rest will do him good.

The plan now is to have Livan Hernandez pitch Friday, promising but unproven Fernando Nieve to throw on Saturday, and recalling lefty Jon Switzer to take the place of Maine on the roster. We don’t know quite yet what number Switzer turns up in but we’d suggest 47 — which we gave away earlier this year to a lefty from Buffalo, Casey Fossum (remember him? I think he’s actually pitching in the MFYs’ system now). Anyway, Switzer’s a southpaw with a reputation for being hard on lefties, he may see some action this weekend.

I won’t need to remind anyone the Mets are not looking particularly threatening right now but that’s just going to make this whupping of the Yankees a little sweeter. Let’s Go Mets! Check in when you see what Swtizer’s wearing!

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    switzer is 56

    Submitted by lizard (not verified) on Fri, 06/12/2009 – 5:38pm.


    Submitted by Jon Springer on Fri, 06/12/2009 – 6:52pm.
    56? How disrespectful!

    i have had it

    Submitted by former mets fan (not verified) on Fri, 06/12/2009 – 10:08pm.
    two hands you pieve of crap infielder. it’s called two hands. retire already and get out of my sight. screw this team. I have been a mets fan since 1976, and have put up with my fair share, but I have had it. they can’t run. they can’t pitch. they can’t field. they play the game like a bunch of losers. jerry manuel can go retire – he obviously can’t teach fundamentals and can’t inspire this team to play competently. until Omar, Manuel, the entire coaching squad, the trainers, Reyes, Delgado, Murphy, Wright Beltran, Perez and the other underachiving, pampered passionless LOSERS are shown the door, I’m done with this team. it may be years. it may be never. there comes a time when lovable losers simply become losers. good riddance.

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