Pride… Power… Pelfrey

As happy I was to see the return of the Met offense last night, and as welcome as the return tonight of Ryota Igarashi should be, it was most encouraging to see the reintroduction last night of Gangsta Jerry, who I can only hope is as exasperated at John Maine‘s struggles as I’ve been. I like Maine enough but at some point these guys deserve a kick in the pants and props to Jerry for delivering one; I found it impossible not to draw parallels to the Jose Reyes Incident on Manuel’s first night on the job, a little who’s-the-boss demonstration for all of us doubters to see.

And so while I still think his strategies are counterproductive and wearing and destined not to succeed, I also feel the Mets needn’t upstage this weekend’s series with a firing. Nor should they, probably, at least until after it, or the Philly series to follow, depending on results. This is the time to be fans again. Let’s Go Mets!

No official word yet if Igarashi returns tonight or who goes down for him, but I’d be surprised if he weren’t in action tonight. Thanks to MetsBlog for the traffic yesterday!

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Dave Mackey (not verified) on Fri, 05/21/2010 – 7:53pm.
    John Maine on 15-day DL. Elmer Dessens back with the team in his familiar 64.

    Another Case of Poor Management

    Submitted by Gordon Handler (not verified) on Sat, 05/22/2010 – 12:44pm.
    As of 5:00pm on Friday, Jerry said that Maine had not yet been seen by a team doctor. The reason was that the doctor doesn’t come in until later in the day. So Maine finally sees the doctor and the Mets make their roster move right before gametime. I’m not sure if their new pitcher is even at the stadium before the game starts and then of course, gets thrown into the game after flying in from Buffalo.

    This isn’t me taking my kid to the doctor for an ear infection. This is a major league baseball team in New York no less. Maybe the problem is not Jerry or the players. Maybe they just have a bad health insurance plan.

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